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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Microsoft officially announced the price of the original copies of Windows 8

Microsoft officially announced by the conference Oct. 26 next official prices Windows 8

Prices came according to the Newegg site as follows:

    Windows 8 (Full Version) - $ 99.99
    Windows 8 Professional (Full Version) - $ 139.99
    Windows 8 Pro Pack (product key only) - $ 69.99
    Windows 8 Professional Upgrade - $ 69.99

Perhaps there is no significant difference between the features of Windows 7 and Windows 8, but the design and the Metro interface and applications

But the basics of the system almost as they are next to, of course, support Altablat Altach Altach appliances for Windows 8.

But if you want to upgrade your system from Windows 7 to 8 P Microsoft exposure rate: $ 69.99

YouTube alter the form of Home to become more social

YouTube alter the form of Home to become more social

YouTube conducted since minute change on the front of the site and added amendments thereto

To become more socially from the above.

Image of the new YouTube interface:

Iphone 5 phone specifications official iPhone 5 with new features

Finally, after months of rumors, Apple officially announced at the Conference

IPhone 5 specifications and provide you with the latest updates here
Specifications official Apple iPhone phone:

Phone slim degree: 7.6mm and weighs only 112 grams!

Lighter and thinner phone Apple has manufactured so far!

As we pointed out earlier, designer glass and aluminum only.

Processor: A6 SoC and rendered him Apple says it will perform twice weakness of the previous phones

Especially in graphics performance.

There are 3 microphone to the phone also supports contact pure support HD voice

Powered speakers comes Earpod developed

Screen: 4-inch 4-inch display

Support for Retina display

Screen resolution: 1136 x 640

Support networks: LTE connectivity 4g

Camera: 8-megapixel upgraded but much larger than previous phone 4s

Introduction filter: hybrid IR filter, and the accuracy of the light bulbs more than ever

In addition to greater speed in taking pictures by 40%

Additions also update Panorama technology to capture images for the program images on Babylon

Video recording accurately: 1080 p You can also capture images as video camera!

Powered speakers Ear Pad:

System comes: Os6
The phone comes color: black and white Black and white
The sizes: 16GB, 32 Gb, 64 Gb

Picture phone box

Background image of the phone


Best additions to download files in Firefox

Offer you the simplest and most beautiful 3 additions for Firefox

Keeps the use Aldaonlod Manager Mtahath

The first:

Added to download: :

DownThemAll! 2.0.15

Like your manager download files Opera you can open a new window
Added to download: :
tree :

Download Manager Tweak 0.9.5

Like your manager download files Opera you can open a new window

 Download Manager Tweak 0.9.5
And control all your uploads. .
Added to download: :

connecting phone to your laptop

Moborobo is an application that is designed to let iOS and Android users control every file on their phones.
Enter Moborobo. This application was designed to let users control every file on their devices. There’s no need to jailbreak or root – unless you want to use its wi-fi feature. Moborobo will allow you to view, upload, and download everything from photos and videos to applications and ringtones to your device. Moborob will even uninstall applications in bulk for you.
. Users can connect to Moborobo using a USB cable or over a wi-fi network if rooted. Performance was decent, but there was some interface lag at times.
There are also sections to download more wallpapers, ringtones, and applications but they were not completely fleshed out in this beta version. Still, Moborobo is stable enough and has enough usable features to make it a good application to manage files on your devices.
Overall, Moborobo is a great application for controlling the files on your device. This is especially true for Android users.

…………..interface programme

installation your  phone 
afeter connect your phone

 Apps Control
I tunes 
show your picture
downoald app in programme
downold programme
size : 18.3 MB

Why wont my microphone work?

Must be a driver/software issue on your computer. Try searching for some sound-card drivers and installing the most recent ones.

or check this

how know My IP

Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt


Alternatively, go to Start > Run, type "cmd," and press OK

ip adresse

Une adresse IP (avec IP pour Internet Protocol) est un numéro d'identification qui est attribué de façon permanente ou provisoire à chaque appareil connecté à un réseau informatique utilisant l'Internet Protocol.
Il existe des adresses IP de version 4 (sur 32 bits, soit 4 octets) et de version 6 (sur 128 bits, soit 16 octets). La version 4 est actuellement la plus utilisée : elle est généralement représentée en notation décimale avec quatre nombres compris entre 0 et 255, séparés par des points, ce qui donne par exemple : Les plages d'adresses IP v4 étant proche de la saturation, les opérateurs incitent à la transition d'IPv4 vers IPv6

How to change GMAIL password

These are the three ways you can reset your gmail password.
1. Using the secondary email address. (Only works if the secondary email was configured earlier)
2. Using the SMS recovery code. (Only works if this was enabled under account settings earlier)
3. using the security question.
All these is done from the same link

Back to life again MegaUpload

Si Kim Dotcom a largement communiqué sur Megabox, le farfelu personnage revient sur le devant de la scène en levant le voile sur Mega. Le service fonctionne comme tous les casiers numériques dans le cloud puisqu’il va permettre de stocker et de partager les fichiers. La description pourrait s’arrêter là.
Mais Mega est un coffre numérique dans le cloud blindé. Non pas que les données y soient plus protégées qu’avec les services cloud de la concurrence. Non, Mega est protégé des regards indiscrets. Dotcom a érigé tout un arsenal pour que le partage puisse se faire en toute discrétion et sans le moindre risque juridique. Arsenal d’astuces relatif à la mise en oeuvre donc mais également arsenal juridique pour éviter à Dotcom de retourner à la case prison.
Tous les fichiers qui transiteront sur Mega seront chiffrés et seule une clef unique (pour chaque fichier) permettra de les décrypter. Et pour cause : Dotcom indique que selon ses experts juridiques, la seule façon de faire stopper son service sera de rendre le chiffrement lui-même illégal. Il s’appuie sur la Charte des Droits de l’Homme de l’Organisation des Nations Unies qui dit que « la vie privée est un des droits fondamentaux de l’Homme. » Ainsi, tenter de percer le chiffrement reviendrait à contrevenir à ce principe fondamental.
Mega Kim Dotcom 420x300 Kim Dotcom annonce Mega pour succéder à MegaUpload
Le service sera distribué sur deux data centers situés dans deux pays différents. De quoi protéger Mega d’une catastrophe naturelle par exemple ou bien d’une descente policière.
Dotcom déclare également vouloir collaborer avec les ayants droit. Il répondra ainsi, à la manière de YouTube, à toute demande de suppression de fichier illicite. Dans cette optique, la condition est que l’ayant droit ait accédé au contenu et à la clef postés publiquement et qu’il ait ainsi pu constater la violation de Copyrigth. Dotcom va même plus loin et précise qu’il sera possible de demander accès aux data centers à la condition toutefois de signer une décharge dégageant Mega de toute responsabilité concernant les données qu’ils pourraient y trouver. Volonté affichée de collaborer donc mais le facétieux Dotcom compliquera tout de même la tâche des ayants droit en n’appliquant pas de déduplication de ses serveurs. Ainsi, un fichier pourra être uploadé 100 fois par une même personne (ou plusieurs) et il nécessitera tout de même (s’agissant pourtant du même fichier) 100 clefs distinctes. De ce fait, les ayants droit seront quitte pour procéder à 100 demandes distinctes de suppression.
Les ayants droit pensaient avoir mis le holà à ce genre de menace. Mais force est de constater qu’elle a muté pour renforcer ses défenses. Il sera d’autant plus difficile de s’en prendre à ce probable futur Eldorado du partage de fichiers illicites.

Maintenance Tips for your Computer

he computer is one of the most important inventions to have taken place in the 20th century, which has grown over several decades contributing to the growth and changes in human learning and behavior. Today the computer is an essential part of human life without which they cannot do their day-to-day tasks.

This amazing machine has made life easier for most people and contributed to their overall growth. Today almost all household have at least one computer but the most important question that arises here is, if the owner is concerned about the proper maintenance of the machine or not.

Most people either fail or forget to properly maintain their computer from both internal and external threats that can seriously jeopardize the functioning of the machine. However, with just a few important tips you can effectively maintain your computer and can keep its functioning as good as ever.

Here are a few essential maintenance tips to keep your computer stable and in a perfect condition:

1. Perform a disk clean up for maintaining the speed of your computer. Running regular disk clean up can clean your system of unnecessary data. This step can be done manually or by running the disk cleanup utility in Windows.

2. Running a registry cleaning software can relieve your system from obsolete and corrupt entries in the registry file. A clogged registry can severely hamper the performance of your system and can even cause it to crash. So, it is important to clean your Windows registry at regular intervals.

3. By using an Anti-Spyware program you can clean your system from malicious programs that intend to steal your data and cause your system to clog.

4. Viruses are one of the most common and serious threat to computers and using a good updated Anti-virus program will help your computer to rid itself from harmful viruses.

5. Lastly, you need to clear all un-important software installed on your computer as they cause a lot of trouble during the Windows startup process and make the process a rather clumsy one.

By following these simple steps you can effectively shield your computer from all internal and external threats.

Friday, October 19, 2012

List Of Accessories For Your Laptop

The demand for laptop accessories is more stable. People are constantly looking for new accessories to go with their laptops. Popular accessories laptops are just add-ons or additional devices connected to the original configuration of your notebook makes your machine run smoothly. Especially for travelers is a blessing because it can remain productive even when on the road.
With the increasing demand for laptop accessories, a fight with these gadgets available on the market, you have many options at your disposable. The most common and most accessories for laptops main ones are:
Bags: The right kind of bag is very essential for your laptop, because it is the outer shield. The bag must be strong enough to support the weight of the machine.
Note Book Security Cables: Preventing theft dream machine is a major concern. This lightweight cable wraps around stationary and closes the security slot of your laptop. If your computer does not have built-in security slot, then a choice of glue on the adapter is provided at no additional cost.
Cover Portable: The necessary equipment improves screen visibility by eliminating glare and reduce eyestrain. The Shadow also works as a concealer screen privacy of your confidential documents.
Notebook mouse: If you are tired of spending your finger on the touchpad reader, an optical mouse comes to their service, both wired and wireless, to meet their needs.
Portable Printers: Another important accessory you need for your computer. It makes you independent which is the issue of fingerprinting important documents for immediate use.
Laptop Desk Version: This accessory is designed for heavier laptops to rest his legs on a trip with five positions of writing and a rubber surface.
Podium Pad cool: This module allows heat dissipation and a profit of 360 degrees with the help adjust your laptop keyboard.
Headsets: the advantage is given to control its output.
Speakers: Aside from the built-in speakers, external speakers are used gives an edge at meetings and presentations.
Portable USB Handy Lite: This gadget is a convenient way to illuminate the laptop keyboard when light is scarce.
Headphones: An important accessory for teleworkers. It is small and compact and is also able to filter out background noise.
Several power charger car charger collector electric car is a very useful accessory for those who spend most of their time working on laptops in their cars.
Handy USB Fan: This is a perfect accessory for your laptop in hot and humid environments, helping to create a gentle breeze and refreshing.
DVB-T USB Stick: with this module on your laptop, you can watch and record TV and radio programs.
USB Number Pad: This is a USB hub with two other pieces of USB allows you to connect other USB devices. This gadget allows you to work more quickly, easily and accurately on spreadsheets.
USB Keypad: This is a device that provides 19 keys immediate benefit to mobile users.
Web Camera: An accessory that can be used to keep in touch with their friends to see.
Phone to PC Recorder: You can connect the handset with a sound card on your laptop, allowing you to record telephone conversations.

buy a desktop PC or laptop?

You really have no choice except a laptop, if your job or lifestyle takes a lot of trips each year. Their own laptop will help you a lot when you are away. Of your home or office
Nowadays, you can get laptops as powerful as desktop computers. Laptops are. With high resolution graphics, CD / DVD recording, large hard drives and even more features
However, if you are sitting on the fence and portability is not needed even more on the purchase of desktop taking into account the following reasons:
Desktops are more durable than laptops: - Desktop computers are simply easier expansion and update (with USB and FireWire ports), especially the CPU and graphics card, even if you turn off multiple devices can hang a modern laptop.
Desktops are cheaper than laptops: - Desktop is even cheaper than a laptop, if you do not need it, why pay so much. Go to the side of the fence office, which is cheaper and convenient for you.
Laptop repair is much more expensive than desktops: - For example, if your sound card is not any reason you can easily replace it with an inexpensive adapter. However, if your laptop creates such a sound card problem, you must take your wallet, because you will not be able to fix itself, and the whole motherboard inside the unit must be replaced.
There is also how to buy it as soon as you making?
Processor: - if you want to use your machine for standard office tasks and web browsing, does not matter, it will have a processor. But if you are a serious gamer or if you need more power, the Intel Core 2 Duo chip, then you better.
Memory: - How much memory is installed in your PC, you will be able to run as many application at once. Upgrading memory in a desktop computer after purchasing the PC is a breeze, but in fact its good buy, the amount of memory you have installed the system happy.
Motherboard: - provide a new motherboard you would for a smooth new technologies that are missing today. It would be faster, have the second-generation SATA ports, HD audio, and even a dual graphics card. You must keep in mind to check whether the motherboard you buy two or USB ports facades or not, due to plug the USB and digital audio players, etc.
Graphics: - Before you go to look at this type of card in your PC suite. If you are a serious gamer and can pay as go for dual graphics card. There are two types of cards, which is removable from the card and the other is soldered onto the board. However, we recommend a discrete graphics card for gaming and an integrated graphics solution for other purposes.
Sound Card: - for office use, you must purchase an integrated sound card of your PC, but if you want a PC in your home, then a dedicated sound card would be the best choice.
HDD: - It is totally dependent on you, if you want to store large amounts of data such as digital photos or multimedia files on your PC, hard drive capacity, the ability to obtain more information. For normal use, buy 40 or 80 GB that use the most users these days.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Modifying Default Desktop Icons

  1. Start Regedit
  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ explorer \ Shell Icons
  3. The default icons are numbered in the right panel from 0-40
  4. Double click on the number of the particular icon you want to change. See the chart below.
  5. Enter the name of the icon file you want to use followed by the number of the icon in that file.
    Note: The numbering starts with zero.
  6. If you use a single .ICO file, it should be followed by a 0.
  7. e.g. - filename.dll,4 - This would actually be the 5th icon since it starts with 0.
  8. Make sure you delete the hidden file C:\WINDOWS\SHELLICONCACHE
Below is a reference for the icons I've been able to figure out:
0 - Default Icon
1 - Default Document
2 - Application
3 - Closed Folder
4 - Open Folder
5 - 5 1/4 Drive
6 - 3 1/4 Drive
7 - Removable Drive
8 - Hard Drive
9 - Network Folder
10 - Network Offline
11 - CD
12 - RAM Drive
13 - Entire Network
15 - My Computer
16 - Printer
17 - Network Neighborhood
18 - Network Workgroup
19-27 are the Start Menu icons
19 - Programs
20 - Desktop
21 - Settings
22 - Find
23 - Help
24 - Run
25 - Suspend
27 - Shutdown
28 - Share
29 - Shortcut
31 - Recycle Bin (Empty)
32 - Recycle Bin (Full)
33 - Folder, Dial-Up Networking
34 - Desktop
36 - Program Group
40 - Audio Card
In addition, you can change:
  • My Computer - HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
  • Network Neighborhood - HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ CLSID\{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}
  • InBox - HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ CLSID\{00020D75-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
  • Recycle Bin - HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}

Hiding All Icons from the Desktop

  1. Start Regedit
  2. Go to HKey_Current_User \ Software\ Microsoft \Windows \ Current Version \ Policies \ Explorer
  3. Right click on the right panel and add a New / DWORD
  4. Name it NoDesktop
  5. Give it a value of 1
  6. Logoff or Reboot the computer
  7. Now all icons are hidden on the desktop

    or right click on the desktop:

Keyboard Cleaning

When the appearance of your computer keyboard is looking dirty, yellowish or some keys creating problem to work properly then you can understand about inner side of your keyboard keys dirty as outside.
  • To clean keyboard first shut down your computer then disconnect the keyboard.
  • Now use the compressed air with long nozzle and start clean all keys.
  • Use lightly dampened cloth or spray any cleaning fluids on the keyboard keys and use paper towel to dry it.
  • Try to use any cover of keyboard if you are working in high-dust environments.
  • Always be careful to eat or drink around the computer.

Mouse Cleaning

The mouse is the most commonly used pointing device in windows environment on the personal computers. That is why mouse required extra care as compare to the other parts of the computer. You should clean your mouse when you feel the mouse is slow to move in different directions or making some strange movements.
  • First disconnect your mouse from the back side of the computer.
  • Now read the mouse manufacturer manual about your mouse model on how to safe and clean it.
  • Open the ball cover from the back side of the mouse and wash the ball then dry it with cloth.
  • Now clean dust in the inner side of the mouse specially removes the dust on the rollers with lightly dampened cotton bud. You can use the compressed air for this purpose.
  • At the end dry it and Re-assemble your mouse then connect with computer

Motherboard Cleaning

Motherboard is the main part of your computer that contains all hardware components. Your computer motherboard could fry, if you do not keep it clean on periodically basis. Dust is the main cause to heat up your system and heat link to hardware failure. You can save your computer maintenance cost if you clean your computer on the regular basis. This will improve the cooling and performance of the motherboard components.
  • To clean your motherboard first unplugs your system power from the electrical outlet.
  • Using the screwdriver remove the side covers of your computer case and put them to one side.
  • Check all data and power cables connections. Inspect all motherboard PCI and AGP slots.
  • Remove all add-on card of your motherboard for example RAM, modem, VGA, sound card and LAN card.
  • Now blow the air around all the motherboard sides and keeping away your blower nozzle 4 to 5 inches away from main board components. You can use vacuum cleaner also for this purpose but compressed air is the better solution to clean a system.
  • At the end assemble back all cards, cables and side covers of your system.
  • I recommend you doing this after every three months if you want to save your system life.

LCD Cleaning

Flat panel monitors are commonly used in mobile devices such as laptop and table PCs. Similarly, smart phones, PDAs calculators have LCD screens. LCD screens are much softer than old CRT screens, so they required extra care as compare to the CRT Monitors.
  • First read the LCD manufacturer manual about your LCD model on how to safe and clean it.
  • To clean LCD monitor first unplugs your LCD power from the electrical outlet.
  • Never use dirty cloth, spray any cleaning fluids on the LCD screen and paper towel to dry it.
  • Always use dry cotton cloth to clean the fingerprints and dust on the LCD screen. You can use lightly dampened soft cloth if you feel any difficulty to clean the screen.

CD-ROM Cleaning

If your CD drive creating problem to read CD disc, taking time to read  and showing message there is no disc in the drive. These are the symptoms of dirty or weak CD-drive lens, because dirty lens can create errors in reading or writing and soon will not work at all.
Follow the given steps to care and clean a CD-Drive.
  • First make sure your discs are clean, unscratched and you’re loaded it properly.
  • Always use laser lens cleaner to clean drive lens.
  • Insert the laser lens cleaner disc and play it for 2 to 3 min.
  • Using CD drive cleaner properly clean the CD-ROM laser from dust.  If your drive still creating problem then open it and clean the lens with a cotton swab.

Wireless Security

The only problem with wireless networks is network vulnerability. A wired network due to limited access to the physical security of the actual network, and a port to the Internet (gateway) provides a firewall or two there (or had better). This can block unauthorized access to your network more. The difficulty in implementing cable networks has discouraged many people from installing networks in the first place.
Then came a long wireless, which, as I mentioned earlier in the article, the game network home more attractive and less intimidating. With a wireless network means. Physical security, which is inevitable in a wired network, not only because everyone within range of your Wi-Fi network to see your network, and can, if not properly secured access. If your wireless access point is not the router on your network can slip behind your firewall from the outside. What happened in my college, it was an apartment complex behind a part of the school, and other technicians that someone grafted to the network. It has a wireless network is not secure, nobody did anything bad to him, she did used to access the Internet, but he never knew.
There are some practices to make sure that nobody should try with your connection or your network. First and foremost, you need to WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) to implement, which is an encryption function that prevents unauthorized users from accessing your network. There are at least two types of encryption in 802.11b (128 and 64-bit) and have probably changed every two weeks or more. WEP encryption is used to well-being the responsibility of the user, but now I see the material of the box configured with at least one key, forcing the user to configure their PC to connect.
Is important with WEP wireless security, but not rely on them alone, there are other security measures that you can implement as well. Some wireless devices, you can set a MAC address filtering, witch can really spice up your security. A MAC address is an identification number that manufacturers stamp on a network device, and is (or should be) quite unique. If the security is in place, so if anyone knows the WEP key, they still can not enter the network, denied access because your wireless device.
There are two other things you want to do to simplify your network could be: The first thing you need to do is go through and change all default security settings and passwords. The reason I say this is the most routers and access points are usually filled with a lot of these configuration fields (eg username and password or SSID) with values generic for easy installation. The worst thing is that people can use these parameters for you to give access to your network. On the other hand, it is a set of routers your default SSID broadcast on, it means it sends the name of your physical length of your network. Not good, even if your neighbors can not access the security of your network, they will constantly whenever they start one of their wireless computers.

How withdraw throughput online you when there is an Internet cafe without programs

What if I told you to download at full speed when found in an Internet cafe? It's wonderful is not it?Yes! Already he also, in this episode I will discuss with you in very easy steps, without the need to download any program as quickly from a local area network (Internet cafe network) by the fact that it will be
Your computer is a priority in downloading files, as well as visit the sites unlike other computers and stationed with you at the same cafe which will make browsing and download speed be faster than the normal case and that only by adding some adjustments in network card

the difference between a Virus, Trojan, and Worm

- Technically, a virus infects other files (attached or inserted into it). In general, they infect program files or MS Office documents. From there, you can play, damage, etc. Unlike a worm, do not work as one (except perhaps

infect a particular file).

- This is almost identical to a "real virus", but lives in itself and usually do not infect other files (although it can be replaced). Usually copied using email, networks, disks, etc. Again, these are very similar to a real virus, and can do the same kind of damage.

Trojan Horse
- This type of program does not copy, but do harm to your computer. These types of programs are based on people to move and run. They do it by e-mail. The idea is to make the program think it is something benign such as a screen saver or a joke, was sent to.

How Firewalls Work

This means that there are people who want very badly to get into your system or network. Maybe they want to steal information, cause just as much destruction as possible to use, or system for their own purposes. If you are online a lot or a broadband connection, attempts to enter the system to be relentless.
I think there are three main areas of defense against these threats. Anti-Virus (of course), firewall and spyware removal Some programs are more important than others, but none is without meaning. What I want is to give all our readers at least a good idea of ​​what to do these firewalls and anti-virus to protect your system. I will try to highlight the features of these utilities, and even some best practices that you can implement.
This week, I will discuss the first line of defense between you and the Internet firewall. A firewall is not that you still have a large number of viruses to stop, unless it is the type of virus scanning, open ports that proactively 32.Sasser which recently held on the stage of the virus. When firewalls are really in the game is in the area of ​​access to the Internet or a network.
There are two types of firewalls: hardware and software.
A hardware firewall is a common router. In a small network is in between your PC and the modem. These firewalls offer the ability to hide your PC against others on the Internet. You private IP addresses through a process called NAT (Network Address Translation) or DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
I may be a few people who are not familiar with IP addressing lost. This can quickly become confusing. To put it simply, a router to use the internet address that your ISP has inflicted on you and give you the PC connected to the router a private IP address generic (not valid for the Internet). The other main task is to port (these are numbers that are associated with certain professions, for example, most email clients and servers use SMTP port 25 and POP3 port No. 110 use) ports can be a security problem as seen in the past and may close a hacker easily. open ports on your PC with the world When hackers try to scan your network for vulnerable ports, the firewall simply drop the packets because they contain data that are not required a PC on the network.
Software firewalls are a little different and they have good and bad points. First let me start by saying that it is always better not to have a firewall at the time. The main difference between the two types of firewall is that you can. An external device, which runs on its own hardware Firewall is a software application that runs on your PC. This is a drawback, I think, because there is another application that runs on your PC, try as you surf on the Internet and cause overloading of resources and slow things. In the old PC In theory, firewalls are really the same, except that one of the main differences is a software firewall has no address translation services (eg DHCP or NAT).
Software firewalls have characteristics very well, however. For example, a software firewall is ideal for someone new to learn in this area of ​​PC and want more. I say this because most of these firewalls is quite different from a simple interface to use more "techie" understand the router interfaces research.
Software firewalls also function for Internet access which I find very informative, as in most software firewalls I have when a program attempts to access the Internet, the firewall s' appears asking if this action should be to try to come whenever called each time, or deny Internet access to the program. Notify Most software firewall, even if someone from outside your firewall and take a lot of time, obtain the IP address of the party at the other end of the action. Both functions can be used to better protect your PC, in some cases, you may even be able to catch a hacker attempts on your PC ISP giving its IP address, and then ask what is the IP address while sending request ping obtain your IP address.
In fact, I helped a client do this, they called me and said that there firewall kept repeating noise and popping with windows there are some activities here firewall. You said it's for a few days. Well, we opened the port and I saw in the newspaper describing what was the activity which they are. There were a number of pings to fight fire, but the software we have the IP address, and then we opened a command line and return ping the IP address, and it came with their ISP domain name. She called the ISP and spoke with them about it and address it happened. I would not be surprised if he got fired from his Internet service.

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